Is 24-7 Home Security Monitoring Important

We’ve all been irritated by an alarm, somewhere in the neighborhood, constantly blearing its siren. This makes one wonder if anyone is even paying attention. When all is said and done, a home security system is only as good as the monitoring station that reacts to the emergency.

It’s pointless investing in the best home security system it is not monitored. We’re going to be looking into security system monitoring and discuss why this may be beneficial to you.

What is 24/7 Security Monitoring?

Any reputable security company should have a control center that operates 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, every day of the year. The purpose of these centers is to monitor security alerts and dispatch the relevant authorities.

If you have 24/7 home security monitoring, the control center will receive a distress call which is automatically transmitted by your security system. This can be done using a landline, cellular network, or Wi-Fi.

When the control center operator receives an alert, they are required to contact you by phone to ensure that the alert is valid. You will have a security code or password that you use in case of an emergency. Once the emergency has been validated, the appropriate authorities will be dispatched – police, fire, or ambulance.

This gives you and your family fantastic peace of mind, knowing that help is only minutes away in an emergency.

Benefits of 24/7 Home Security Monitoring

A home security system not only protects you from burglars and other criminals, it can also monitor environmental dangers, like fire, gas leak, or water leaks. This means that you are safe when you’re in your home and potential dangers are monitored when you are not there to keep an eye on things.

Of course, these systems are not too effective unless they are monitored day and night. There are several advantages to using a security company that offers 24/7 monitoring:

  • Rapid Response Times: whether the emergency requires police, fire, or medical emergency personnel, a security control center will instantly contact the relevant emergency response team as soon as an alert has been verified. This greatly reduces the response time in those critical minutes after a break-in, fire, or medical emergency.
  • Keeps Criminals Away: Security monitoring is a great deterrent against criminals. Burglars are less likely to enter a yard if they know it is being monitored by a security company. A monitoring system may also assist the police with necessary evidence (like video footage) needed to prosecute criminals.
  • 24/7 Protection: Whether you’re asleep or not even at home, you have the reassurance that you are constantly covered by professional security monitoring.
  • Reduced Insurance Premiums: Most insurance companies offer a discount to clients with 24/7 security monitoring as this reduces your risk.

Complete Peace of Mind

The reason we install a home security system is to rest assured that we are perfectly safe in our homes. All the high-tech security equipment in the world is not going to be effective unless someone responds to the emergency.

Knowing that a team of dedicated professionals has your back in an emergency. That’s just priceless. The peace of mind offered by 24/7 monitoring cannot be emphasized enough. It may be the best decision you will ever make.