Home Security Systems ǀ DIY vs Professional Installation

A home security system provides incredible peace of mind. Knowing that you and your family are always safe in your home is worth more than anyone can imagine. It’s also reassuring to know that your possessions are safely guarded against thieves when you’re not home.

As much as you may relish the idea of installing a home security system, the costs involved may be daunting. To make things more affordable, you might want to consider installing the system yourself, rather than paying a professional to do it for you.

Apart from the necessary technical skills, there is quite a bit to consider when choosing between DIY vs professional home security installation. It would be a good idea to have all the facts before making a decision.

This article is going to discuss the pros and cons of DIY home security systems and then compare the alternative – a professional installation. This should enable you to make the right decision whether to go it alone or leave it to the pros.

Advantages DIY Home Security Installation

1. Cost Effective. Not paying a professional for the installation is obviously going to save quite a bit of cash. Furthermore, DIY home security systems are self-monitoring. This means that you don’t have to pay a monthly fee for 24-hour monitoring, although some DIY security cameras have a 24/7 monitoring option or a paid subscription for cloud storage. Typically, DIY systems will send a notification to your phone and most allow you to view video images in real-time using a phone app.

2. Begin gradually. If you’re uncertain about installing a home security system, or what type of system is best for you, you can start small and then add onto it as you understand how it works. Starting with a single camera will allow you to learn how the motion sensors work, their sensitivity settings, and how the alerts work. As you develop a sense of how the system works, you can consider additional cameras, door sensors, and window sensors.

3. Easier to relocate. DIY systems are usually easier to remove and reinstall when you move. Typically these systems are wireless, making them quite easy to install and remove.

Disadvantages of DIY Home Security Installation

1. Problematic Installation. Even though a DIY security system will come with instructions and there are videos available online to help you along, they can be fairly complicated. If you’re not too skilled at technical stuff, you could end up regretting your decision. A minor mistake in the installation could end up costing you more than paying a professional to do it for you.

2. Warranty and Maintenance. Your warranty may not be valid if you don’t have the system professionally installed or you install it incorrectly. You will also be responsible for long-term maintenance.

3. Upgrades can be costly. The initial kit may be quite affordable. However, add-on equipment will usually cost more if you’re buying items individually.

4. Self-monitoring. While you can save on monthly bills by monitoring the system yourself, it may not always be effective. The reassurance of professional monitoring and response should not be underestimated.

Advantages of Professional Home Security Installation

1. Customized system designed by experienced technicians. Even if you have the technical savvy to install your own home security system, you may not understand all the details. An experienced professional can advise you on the best solutions for your needs.

2. Quality Professional Monitoring. A home security service provider offers professional monitoring 24/7.

3. Hassle-free. When you use a professional installer, you don’t need to concern yourself with maintenance or repairs. You simply call the installer when there’s a problem.

4. Better for Larger Buildings. For multi-story buildings, it may be better to use a professional.

Disadvantages of Professional Home Security Installation

1. More Expensive. Paying for a professional security system installation is going to cost you. You will also have to pay a monthly fee for monitoring.

2. Permanently Installed. Professional home security systems are usually permanently installed and not easy to remove if you relocate.

3. Unnecessary equipment and services. Eager sales teams may try to convince you to pay for equipment and services that you don’t actually need. Always check the terms and conditions to avoid nasty surprises.